The Fashion King In Korea

Fashion King is a webtoon.

A couple of months ago, at a drinking party, a man in the fashion industry, Rookie, said. He wore a jacket that looked like Engineered Garments in Tom's, and even a beard that had a thick outline around his face. “Have you seen The King of Fashion? Kill it. High school is in the background, but it is about wielding a sword in a fashion style. Like martial arts. This is a bout against Moorim! It's like that. The idea completely falls.” A man in his 30s in a classic mood was like a boy who was feverish, with a face that seemed to run to the club in the rain.


Curiosity 100% charged.
Smartphones are used to do this. I glanced through the webtoon in a month in the taxi back home. It did not fall like an acquaintance said. But I thought like a chuckle. Who is the writer? Draft 84. Twenty eight born in 1984. I applaud the idea of ​​this young man. In fact, for me making a fashion magazine, this piece was quite meaningful. Is it time for anyone to produce mass-friendly content through fashion? I was mad at thinking. There were many fashion-themed books and TV shows. Without knowing it, I have come across many programs that 늑대닷컴 fashion of celebrities in fashion channels, select designers by survival, weave catwalks, report, and explore fashion stores of famous brands. However, when I fixed a channel late at night and streamed in a fashion program, I used to turn off my sense of collapse and lethargy. It would be a little over if I had just been interested in the fashion-based application.

What is the reason.
Brain cells fluttered and vomited a question mark. I was crazy about this. That's because it's about people living. If you apply the expression of draft 84, it will be this much.
'No, what else is this?!!!!
Did you combine fashion with fierce youth?
Then it turns out that you... ,
Even the fit of school uniforms, Pierre Lubutin, North Face, denim wash, and the effect of six packs and clavicle on fashion… ,
Are you indulged in your teenage ideals, frustration and self-esteem?

Are you going to wash your life like that!!!(three exclamation marks)

I did. So far, there have been no people in fashion fringe content. After removing people, only the exaggeration remained. Criticism with no case, overflowing with frivolous chatter and separation. No, only those stimulating things have surfaced. Every week, Jeong Hyung-don discusses fashion presence and holds a fashion festival in a gag program. But there is no respect for fashion. As mentioned earlier, fashion was regarded as an unprecedented lifestyle. However, this is not a popular webtoon. A boy whose values ​​are not established is frustrated by the fake North Face and is furious about the value of Pit, but it is a means to find self-esteem in his group (school). Fashion is described as a special skill that must be cultivated to belong to the social top class. This may be another expression of wearing a self-esteemed clothing and signature look that has been emphasized in fashion magazines.


Life is survival.

Like a webtoon boy, maybe we're looking for an opportunity to enter the top class like crazy. In the process, if you have to cultivate fashion with a special skill, you have to make it alive. This month, Arena covered fashion people who gathered at Piti Womo. In Piti Womo, only men who find the means to buy and eat in fashion gather. It is because they are a group of experts who have been dealing with fashion from a young age. And because they are successful men who have achieved their dreams of teenagers. Perhaps they were like the protagonists of The Fashion King, realizing the difference between fit and material, and then returning from their enthusiastic teenagers, and now they are in their 30s and 40s, who stand in front of the mirror and discuss life. I would have become an adult who knows how to distinguish true and false from the changing trend of iron, and even understands the changing trend of iron.
If you look at them, I think that the article titled "The clothes of successful people," is useless. What kind of pointy royal roads can you tell other than telling the rules and manners of classic suits that have been handed down? Textbook study is based on learning, and beyond that, “your own self-esteem attire” is a matter of life's values.

Is there a royal road in fashion?
After all, the answer is the same as that of the Red Pen teacher.
Study mainly on textbooks.
And make your own solution.